Fierce lead composer for Trailer Park and Guild of Music Supervisors Award recipient shares his top gear picks to make his music sound larger than life, the complex story behind Stranger Things' homage to Michael Jackson in the season 2 trailer, and how his life would be radically different if he never checked his junk folder.
Read MoreInternationally celebrated electronic musician turned television composer, founder of Ancestor, and esteemed member of The Echo Society speaks on setting the stage for the menacing power politics of Billions, developing unique musical characters for each of Hannah Baker's tapes in 13 Reasons Why, and how spirituality has been a guiding light to ward off negative energy and stimulate creativity.
Read MoreHalf of dark instrumental band, S U R V I V E and the synthesizer aficionados behind Netflix's sci-fi fantasy smash, Stranger Things speak on the gear that evokes fear, hanging with Malcolm Cecil in their Airbnb, and the hardware they'd bring to a desert island.
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